Studying for the AWS DevOps Professional Certification (DOP-C01)

By | June 1, 2023

OK! It’s time to stop dithering, dilly-dallying, lolly-gagging, and procrastinating!!!! I’m going to start studying for the AWS Certified DevOps professional certificate! Why are you blogging about it? To keep myself honest (and to help me review while on the road), I’m going to be posting my study notes in blog-format here. This will help… Read More »

SSH Agent Forwarding in AWS

By | February 13, 2021

Common scenario: You’ve got a bastion host within your AWS VPC with a public IP address. You SSH into this box and then want to do something on a different server on a private subnet within the VPC: If you NOW do a regular SSH tunnel from the bastion host to the internal server using… Read More »

re:Invent 2020 re:Cap (week 1)

By | January 19, 2021

We’re at the end of week one of the THREE WEEKS of AWS re:Invent. I have had a bit of time to digest the 1/3rd of the conference that has transpired and thought I’d put down my thoughts to paper (or keyboard as it were). The big event this week was the Andy Jassy keynote… Read More »

AWS re:Invent 2020 starts today!

By | December 1, 2020

It’s a few hours before Andy Jassy’s keynote and I’m unreasonably excited! One of the *best* perks of being an AWS Hero is that I get a free ticket to re:Invent every year. During the conference we get pre-release info, front row seats at the keynotes, and get to chat with some of the low-level… Read More »

Docker on Linux on WSL 2 on Windows!

By | September 21, 2020

Confession time: Despite my best intentions (and all of the time I’ve spent studying for AWS certifications), I still *stink* at Linux! I mean I can get around, edit things, start/stop services, but I don’t understand it in the fundamental way that I understand windows. I have been meaning to get better at it (honest!)…… Read More »

Multi-cloud management with Morpheus Data

By | November 10, 2019

I spent some time out in California with several tech/cloud/awesome companies for Cloud Field Day 6 (as well as some amazing cloud delegates!) and I’ve been meaning to write about some of the really cool stuff that I saw out there. So with that I want to tell you about Morpheus Data. The Problem Your… Read More »

I’m going to Cloud Field Day 6!

By | December 1, 2020

What is it? Tech Field Days are multi-day presentation type events geared towards connecting companies that have an interesting product with “independent thought leaders/bloggers/writers/pod-casters”… or as in my case “people who ask lots of dumb questions of smart people”. Tech Field Day runs several “field days” per year. Each one dedicated to a specific slice… Read More »

Windows Boy in a Mac World

By | August 8, 2019

How to configure VScode, Github, & A Cloud Drive across Windows 10 and OS X I just recently got a Macbook Pro from my office. They said I was due for a system refresh & the 2 systems I’ve been using have been sufficient for my needs. So after *years* of wanting one but not… Read More »

How to add a touch function to PowerShell

By | May 7, 2019

I really like the mac/*nix ability to use touch to create a new file: I wanted to be able to do it in Windows PowerShell – here’s how you do it: Creating a temp function Run the following command from the PowerShell terminal: Making it permanent This is just slightly trickier. *IF* you already have… Read More »

First look at AWS Backup

By | February 26, 2019

One of the glaring misses in the AWS portfolio had been a consolidated, concise mechanism for backing up all yo’ stuffs without having to go 3rd party. While I am a *huge* fan of the Veeam product line… as of now you can’t use it to back up AWS RDS (as well as several other… Read More »

Category: AWS