The Ultimate* Home Office Setup Guide

By | July 2, 2024

Welcome to my ultimate* home office guide! 🤣 As someone who has been working from home for awhile now, having a productive workspace is essential. Over the past 10 years that I’ve been WFH, I’ve cobbled together this setup that enhances my workflow and helps streamline my daily routine. In this list I’ll provide a… Read More »

Upgrading the Mistwire homelab with a new Synology!

By | February 17, 2023

There are very few certainties in the world. The old idiom would have you believe that it’s just death and taxes… but I would like to add “running out of disk space” to the list 🤣 I’m always upgrading the homelab, sometimes it’s the network, the physical footprint, or my connection to the cloud. This… Read More »

DevOps Pro Domain 2: Lambda

By | June 1, 2023

This article is the eighth in a series covering my AWS DevOps Professional certification study process, part 7 on Elastic Beanstalk is here. AWS Lambda is a “serverless” service. It is event-driven meaning that some action/event triggers it to run. With it, you can run code for without provisioning or managing VPCs or servers. In… Read More »

AWS DevOps Pro Domain 2: Elastic Beanstalk

By | June 1, 2023

This article is the seventh in a series covering my AWS DevOps Professional certification study process, part 6 is here. AWS Elastic Beanstalk is service for deploying and scaling web applications and services developed with Java, .NET, PHP, Node.js, Python, Ruby, Go, and Docker.. Upload your code and Elastic Beanstalk automatically handles the deployment, capacity… Read More »

AWS DevOps Pro Domain 2: CloudFormation (part 2)

By | June 1, 2023

There is a LOT to CloudFormation! This is the second article continuing my DevOps Pro study series. Part 1 of CloudFormation can be found here. You can import SSM Parameter Store values – specify a Systems Manager parameter key as the value of the SSM parameter, and CloudFormation gets the value from Parameter Store to… Read More »

AWS DevOps Pro Domain 2: CloudFormation (part 1)

By | June 1, 2023

CloudFormation lets you model, provision, and manage AWS and third-party resources by treating infrastructure as code (IaC). It’s a declarative (meaning you don’t need to figure out ordering) method of defining and creating infrastructure for any AWS resource. No resources are manually created (i.e. avoid environment drift). The IaC can be version controlled and therefore… Read More »

AWS DevOps Pro Domain 1: SDLC Automation – CodePipeline

By | June 1, 2023

This article is the third in a series covering my AWS DevOps Professional certification study process. Part 2 is here. CodePipeline is a Continuous Delivery (CD) service & a visual workflow. It automates the build, test, & deploy phases of the release process. Load testing requires 3rd party tools. CodePipeline happens in stages which the… Read More »

OS Environment Variables and why the .env file is Python’s best friend 🐍

By | March 27, 2022

The Scenario I am currently doing the 100 Days of Code challenge using Angela Yu’s Udemy course. In the morning before work starts I do a little bit of it on my MS Windows desktop: In the evening I’ll commit my changes to my GitHub repository & step away from the desk. After dinner and… Read More »

AWS DevOps Pro Domain 1: SDLC Automation – CodeDeploy

By | June 1, 2023

This article is the second in a series covering my AWS DevOps Professional certification study process. Part 1 is here. CodeDeploy AWS Managed deployment service that automates application deployments to (1) EC2 instances, (2) serverless Lambda functions, (3) AWS ECS services, or (4) on-premises virtual machines. Ansible, Terraform, Chef, Puppet are similar services. *CodeDeploy does… Read More »

AWS DevOps Pro Domain 1: CodeCommit & CodeBuild

By | June 1, 2023

In this series of articles, I’m going to go through Domain 1 of the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional exam guide. As such, I will break down each of the concepts into walk-throughs of the process: 1.1 Apply concepts required to automate a CI/CD pipeline Set up repositories Set up build services Integrate automated testing… Read More »