Domain 2.0: Costing (5% of exam)
2.1 Demonstrate ability to make architectural decisions that minimize and optimize infrastructure cost
2.2 Apply the appropriate AWS account and billing set-up options based on scenario
2.3 Ability to compare and contrast the cost implications of different architectures
EC2 types
- Highest hourly rate, no commitments
- Ideal for auto scaling groups and unpredictable workloads
- Good for Dev/Test
Use cases:
- Steady state, predictable usage
- Apps that need reserved capacity
- Upfront payments reduce hourly rate
Standard RI – get billed whether it’s powered on or off
- Use this when you expect to run the server 24/7
- 1 & 3 year contracts, 3 years cheapest
- There is a marketplace to sell RIs
Payment options
- All upfront (up to 68% off for 3-year term)
- Partial upfront (up to 60% off for 3-year term)
- No upfront (30% off for 1-year term)
Scheduled RI –
- Use it when you need a set amount of instances for a particular time slice
- Can only launch instances during that time slice
- If you launch outside of that window, you are billed on-demand
- Accrue charges hourly, but billed in monthly increments over term
- 1 year term commitment
- Brand new, not on test yet
- Up to 45% off
- Cheapest
- Flexible start and end times
- Grid computing and HPC
Bidding type instance, if you are outbid:
- Those instances drop with little notice
Dedicated (2 types):
- Host (most expensive)
- Instance (lose visibility into which host you are running on)
Modifying your RIs
- Can switch AZs within same region
- Can change instance size within the same instance type
- Instance type modifications are supported, but only for Linux… but not RHEL or SUSE
- Cannot change instance size of Windows RIs
See normalization chart for calculating footprint to modify a non-convertible RI:
RI Based on 5 criteria:
- DB Engine
- DB Instance Class
- Deployment Type
- License Model
- Region
- Any of these 5 items change, RDS reverts to On demand
How to configure cross account access.
- Create any custom policies 1st
- Create role with cross account access
- Apply the policy to that role & note down the ARN
- Grant access to the role
- Switch to the role
Why multiple AWS accounts?
- Security
- Billing
- Growth through acquisition
Consolidated billing
- Linked accounts that feed to one “Paying account” from 1 to 20 (or more with ticket) “Linked Accounts”
- Paying account is independent & cannot access resources of linked accounts (and vice versa) by default
- Easy to track charges and allocate costs
- Get volume discounts on all your accounts
- Unused reserve instances for EC2 are applied across the groups
- CloudTrail is on a per account and per region basis but can be aggregated into 1 bucket in the paying account
Tagging & Resource Groups
- Great for sorting resources in a complex environment
- Can sort by multiple tag keys (prod, dev, test, app, whatever)
- By default, works within all regions, but can be filtered down to individual regions
- By default, works with all services, but can also be filtered
- Not all resource types support tagging, but you don’t need to know which for exam
Budgets and CloudWatch Alarms
- Used to track your current costs vs a set “budget” for a billing period
- Updated every 24 hours
- Does not show refunds
- Not automatically created by AWS
- Can be compared against AWS “estimated” costs to see how much budget is left over
- Must create budgets on the Payee (in the event of a consolidate billing scenario) account
Can set alarms when you exceed actual or forecasted budgets, but you will still exceed.
- It won’t stop chargeable services from running