Adding Active Directory authentication to vROps

By | October 13, 2015

Here is the step by step process for adding the ability to authenticate via Active Directory (AD) to your vROps environment.

  1. Click on the Administration button:

  1. LDAP Import Sources:

  1. Add a new import source:

  1. Input the appropriate information:

  1. Click the test button to confirm that it works 😉

  1. Confirm that you can import users from your new source by going into Access Control:

  1. Import users:

  1. Select your new source from the dropdown list:

  1. Use a search string to find the account you want to import, at this time (if you’ve configured the environment correctly) you should see the AD account:

  1. Choose the group you want to add them too (if you have created any, we haven’t in this PoC environment):

  1. Choose the Roles you want the user to have. This user will have ReadOnly access to the environment:

  1. Choose the objects you want the user to be able to see. This user will be able to see everything via the “Allow access to all objects in the system” checkbox. Then click Finish and you are done!